Just got back after spending the entire afternoon at the spawning party. The party part is really a misnomer as we spend the entire time working our butts off! I like the afternoon ones much better. It would be better if we could have started a little earlier, but anything that does not involve me waking up at 6am would be a plus. The only downside was that I didn't manage to get home till ~9:30pm, but at least I got to get out of the lab for the afternoon and a free dinner.
Good news though, I think my experiment finally worked! Now I have something to show Eric and move on to the next interesting thing.
There must be an animal outside the door or something. Atticus seems to be quite excited and has caught momo's interest as well.
Did I mention how much I love netflix? I just got my copy of Monster but haven't really had a chance to watch it.
Went to watch Super Size me after my race on monday. It was a really interesting movie, making me really leery of eating fast food. though when I was watching the film seeing the star eat all that Mickey Ds made me really hungry for some. I don't believe in deprivation (hence no Atkins diet) but everything in moderation. Most important to live healthily.
The guy who is trying to sell us an embryo sorter will be here all enxt week. That and the nuclear extract preparation and gel shift demos going on next week mean I will not get any work of my own done. But the embryo sorter has great potential uses. If it works really well perhaps I will be able to finish my PhD sooner. One can dream, can't one? But I hated trying to get people together to help with microinjections for the demo. Everyone wants to take advantage of a new thing but no one wants to help.
I still haven't been able to go runnin since the race. I have been a little sore all week but I think I will be sufficiently recovered to go for a run tomorrow.
Had Shelley and Harry and Chris and Jess and Alexandra over for dinner last night. It had been soooo long since we all got together. They're a riot! I had forgotten how much fun it was to get everyone together. Harry is going to get his PhD after all. I am a little jealous I have to admit, but I am really happy for him too. It would be a real waste if he left with just a MS. The only thing that I missed was not having Eric Tse around. I usually don't think about his death anymore, but its during occasions like these when I miss him.
Jill defended her PhD successfully today! Now all she has to do is finish and submit her dissertation! Awesome! I'm looking forward to the great big party at her house!