Monday, June 14, 2004


My SURF student showed up for the first time today. I still think its pretty rough that Caltech doesn't even give them a week's break after finals. I just got her a little acquainted with the lab. Her (kelly) and Beth (Cathy's student) might have been kind of bored because they didn't do much today other than watch us. But we had a pretty important sample and we didn't want them to potentially screw it up. Tomorrow we will complete the QPCR and maybe start on the gel shift. But she seems enthusiastic about being in the lab and is quite social.

EHD is expressing a definite interest in the COPAS machine. We'll see how it goes after we give him our QPCR data.

Finally remembered to buy Shelley and Harry's wedding gift. Got them a serving set and a platter. I still prefer the chinese way of ang paos. Much easier.

Bought the entire collect of Beethoven's symphonies by Karajan today. Hope it will come soon.

Picture of concert of Beethoven's 9th Symphony at Walt Disney concert hall with the LA phil. Posted by Hello


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