Friday, June 04, 2004

Learning to put pictures in my blog

I really should be working right now, but I am being lazy, so I decided to upload some pictures onto the website. So now you will know who I mean when I refer to Momo and Atticus etc.

Spent the afternoon sorting out the final details for the COPAS embryos sorter. The small problem we have now is that the machine is not here yet. And the engineer will be here on monday to set up the machine. Now how will he set up a machine without one is beyond me. But such events are beyond my control. But I ran the plans past EHD and he seemed pleased. Gave me a good suggestion. And I cleaned up the bench in the snail room where the machine will go and filtered a shitload of sea water (one of my least favorite things to do in the lab) so we should be set for the upcoming week.

Next week will be really busy for me. I have the COPAS thing going on, and then I will be learning how to do nuclear extract preparation and gel shifts from Cathy. Whew! No time for my own experiments. My SURF student will be arriving the week after that. I am going to talk to EHD about having her work on the homologous recombination stuff. Since Jane Wyllie will be going on maternity leave for 4 months and I would really like to have that stuff done earlier...

Eric and I at Titus' and Tracy's wedding 1/04 Posted by Hello

Roger and I before the Saddleback Memorial half marathon 5/31/04 Posted by Hello

Momo, one of my cats Posted by Hello

Atticus, my other cat Posted by Hello

See my two babies cuddle up to each other! Posted by Hello


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