Wednesday, July 07, 2004

The amazing race!

Didn't register for the KB class early enough. Got there and the class was full! Bah, guess I'll just go to one fo the 24hr fitness ones instead. I am thinking of varying my workout a little to include perhaps some yoga for stretching and cross training instead of running all the time. Yoga bores me, but I think all that stretching will be good on mondays after my long sunday runs.

The amazing race premiered tonight! Fungus and I were so excited about it. It is the best reality show! And Charla the midget rocks! That is one tough gal! Eric thinks we should try out for it. So we can yell at each other all the time for the whole world to see! And Big Brother still sucks! The Julie Chen annoys me. She would never get a job like that if she weren't sleeping with the boss.

Jane Wyllie delivered a healthy baby girl, Amanda Marie Wyllie. She was born 7/5/05 at 1:27pm. At 6lbs 15oz and 20", she is a feisty little thing. Ping, Julie and I went to see the baby today. And I got to see baby poop. Eew! Thank goodness it didn't smell. Jane is very very happy and proud to be the mother of such a beautiful baby.

Finally finished writing the COPAS protocol! Phew! Now I can focus on the annual report and my poster for the SDB meeting...


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