Monday, April 03, 2006


We had to put our dog down yesterday. We've had him since he was a tiny little puppy and he was about 10. He had acquired some sort of a neurological condition a few months ago, and had been on prednisone off and on, which I guess was not particularly unusual for Rottweilers. But he had been steadily deteriorating, and it had gotten to the point where he couldn't walk around anymore even to relieve himself. I felt that it was the right thing to do, but nevertheless it was a difficult decision. I think my mom took it particularly hard, after all, he was pretty much her dog this whole time. Even though I was "officially" the owner, I hadn't lived at home for as long as we had him. That's the sucky thing about owning pets. You get really attached to them pretty much with the realisation that they will (at least hopefully) die before you. But then you have to deal with the grief. I know that the day I am faced with the decision for Momo and Atticus I will be an absolute wreck. As it is, I feel that I need to take really good care of them and worry about them when I have to leave town for a few days. Sheesh.


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