Monday, April 03, 2006

April Concert etc...

Had our middle concert last saturday. It went generally well, and even though I love John, I have to admit that he's no Don. But still, it was great fun, particularly the Gospel mass, though I get the distinct feeling that we sounded too "white." But that is done with, and on Tuesday we start rehearsing for the "Opera Gala." It just never ends, which is a little tiring, but at the same time exciting and new.

Pagliacci also starts next week. Mary Lou has me on the Soprano II part. It's difficult explaining to her that I am really really a high soprano without seeming like I am a difficult diva, esp since the last time I worked with her I didn't have an operatic B-flat and now I have a D. Well, perhaps I can audition for her sometime so she can hear for herself. Not to mention it actually is very difficult to get some of the singers to sing anything other than top soprano. Not entirely sure the reason, but one of women who normally sing SI is actually doing mezzo stuff at the Canyon House workshop while I get the coloratura parts. Go figure.

Worked on Beth's Aria with Kathleen and her pianist Gigi today. The pianissimo F and B -flat are quite challenging, but I'm getting the hang of it (very slowly), and will work with Lisa on coaching later this week. Apart from Beth's aria, I will also be singing the recititave that leads into Beth's aria and the coloratura soprano part on the trio in "Postcard from Morocco." More music to learn....I really have to work at learning music as my sight reading and piano skills are just not up to speed. And I've never had to sing with another person in an ensemble situation before, so that will be challenging as well. But I am looking forward to this new learning experience. But I am making progress, and that's just how music is, it's a long term process of hard work. In a way, some things can't be rushed.

Think I may have the repertoire picked out for the competition. I'm leaning towards to "Alleluja" and "Willow Song", and Kathleen thinks that it will work. Need to know the songs cold though.

Leaving for SF on friday. Can't wait to see Deb!!!! How fun! And also Terence and his new girlfriend and also Michele!!! Whoo hoo, its going to be fun. If only I didn't have to miss the master class AND the rehearsal. sigh.


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