I find myself once again trying to avoid preparing for the lab meeting. After all these years, I have gotten reasonably good at picking out the important nuggets and leaving out the details, but I still like to wait till the last minute before I absolutely have to prepare for it. My presentation is on thursday. Yeah I know it still seems like many days away, but I have a major experiment lined up on wednesday so I only really have tomorrow (and even then just part of it) to finish reading the papers and preparing the presentation. I am almost through the second paper, just one more to go, but it is a review and you know how those go. Can be a royal pain in the ass.
On top of that, the new and improved me would like to start practising my singing more often, like an hour a day. I had always been lazy when it comes to practising. When I used to take piano lessons you can hardly find me at the piano, but I've decided that for me to be truly phenomenal at my craft I would really need to start practising more. Yes its such a cliche, but practice does make perfect. As DN would say, "no one is that talented." So I made my way to the music house today, but it turns out that my student ID isn't actually activated to use the room, but this lady who works there kindly let me in and told me that I can go to the card office to get it activated. They have these pretty neat soundproof rooms now, much better than the old ones, and some of them with different acoustic options you can choose, from recital hall to arena. But now there is a big glass door, so everyone can see what you are doing inside (which I'm sure was exactly the point), but it made me a little self conscious. I think I will try to get "Quando Men Vo" and "Rejoice, O Daughter of Zion" memorised this week, and perhaps start prepping the "Alleluia." In addition to my biweekly 60 min private lessons I am also doing a voice class this term. I wasn't entirely sure about it at the beginning, but it turned out to be really good for going over the repertoire with a pianist, and there was a little bit more pedagogy involved.
I am finally starting to feel that my ankle is getting better. I think I can resume biking wednesday and start running 1 mile to ease into my regular regimen. I can already feel my legs getting flabby.
The TIVO is a real dream. We have taped the 4 hour premiere of 24 and watched it without commercials. What an efficient way to watch TV! I'm going to only do that from now on.