Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Ray's Gospel mass is awesome! It's not in the style of something I had sung before (other than some spirituals) but it was fun and rousing. John wants us to perform it from memory (this would send shudders down the spine of any choral singer) but I understand his reasoning. I still have a nagging cough and the dreaded itch in the throat, which was preventing me from singing pretty much anything above the staff yesterday. My voice class starts friday, and I'm really hoping to get well by then. Keeping my fingers crossed.

My ankle is still swollen and turning greenish purple. Eeew!

Recently I have been having trouble sleeping. It's rather annoying, to go to bed and then toss and turn waiting for the zs to come. The last few nights I had been taking nyquil, but since I don't really need it anymore I didn't take it last night and laid it bed for quite a while. Some chamomile tea is in order, and I figured that if I didn't get enough sleep last night then I would have no trouble sleeping tonight. :P


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