Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I'm so relieved to be done with Pagliacci. Towards the last couple of weeks the rehearsals got so intense that I basically had no time in my life to take care of myself and things like chores, bills etc. So I took yesterday to unwind, go for a run, and do my laundry. Finally feel that my life is back in order again. It was fun though, and I met many interesting and wonderful people, many of whom I will probably see again for Traviata. That's one of the nicest parts about being active in the arts, or any other activity for that matter. That are only so many people who are hardcore like myself, and after a while you pretty much know all the people who do it. The only thing I have this week is choir and the piano class. Phew! I'm grateful for the break.

I discovered that asian women (or any other person for that matter, but there seems a disproportionate of asian ladies who fit into this category) who drive fancy cars but are unable to execute simple maneuvers like backing up in a straight line should not be allowed on the road. I had to back my car up in an s shaped curve yesterday because some stupid bitch couldn't back hers up in a STRAIGHT LINE so I can pass.


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