Saturday, May 06, 2006

Different directions

I was just reading the blogs of some friends from secondary school and couldn't help but think about how different our lives are, how we have all chosen different paths. Some of us are mothers or mothers-to-be, some of us are pursuing careers, while others are settled in domestic bliss, and one is going on this great trek across Asia. What an intersting hodgepodge. Could we have predicted how each of us would turn out back in the days when were were teenagers? I think to some degree our personalities are pretty much the same, having met many of these friends over the years the one thing I am amazed by is how little we have changed. And when I look at the toddlers of my friends', I have to admit that you can already tell which parent's personality the kid takes after, Behavior is such an interesting thing, truly more of its is programmed in our genes than we are inclined to believe. If I were to do a postdoc I would definitely work on behavior or some other form of neurobiology; the brain is the last frontier in my opinion. But I'm not, still, I think about it sometimes.

Am meeting Cheryl and some others for dinner and bowling tomorrow. I couldn't recall when was the last time I did anything social. I have been so consumed with research and music that many things have gone by the wayside. I am having a really good time, I just wish there were more hours in a day.


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