Saturday, July 02, 2005

Sandra Day O'Connor annouced that she will retire from the supreme court as soon as a replacement is named. The biggest fear is that George W will nominate a conservative idealogue like Thomas or Scalia. Which is scary as Bush has publicly expressed his admiration for Thomas. Now what is the deal with Clarence Thomas anyway? He never says at word at the hearings.

Went to Jessica's baby shower today. Turnout wasn't so good, I guess people have taken off for the July 4th weekend. We get friday and monday off, which meant that we ended up with a 4-day weekend. I felt that we didn't really deserve all that timeoff, so I was at work on friday. What a dork, but that's my curse. Always trying to do too much. I do miss the good old days when Jon and Takuya were around and people didn't have kids. Everything was a lot laid back then. Now people just take off early and spend their evenings and weekends with their families.

My brother and I are in the market shopping for a home. Housing prices are exorbidant in the area, so we are looking at townhouses/condos around 500K. Figured that at least if we are paying the mortage the money is going somewhere other than another person. The only difficuly is that perhaps we might both move in a year or two, which will make it less worthwhile to buy a place, but homes in Pasadena are pretty much in demand so it should be no problem selling, and there is definitely no problem renting it out around here. But that is all too far into the future. God knows what will happen in a year?


Blogger Jean.Chua said...

Hmm how come you're buying a house with your sibling? Thought you're planning to get married???

8:09 AM  
Blogger La Nuage said...

hiya its complicated. I'm not exactly sure when I will get married, or when I will graduate. And my brother thinks that he might leave in a year to an MBA program (which he doesn't know for sure as well), so if I get married and don't leave town we can live there. But then I really haven't decided anything yet (whether I REALLY want to do a postdoc for one). And it just seems like perhaps it is better to just buy a place and then worry about the what ifs later.

3:30 PM  

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