Sunday, June 12, 2005

It's all over!

The concert and the committee meeting, that is.

The committee meeting went well, as far as committee meetings can go I suppose. I still have to learn not to put my foot into my mouth, but the committee did agree that I am making good progress towards my degree. Amazingly enought, everyone was in agreement with what I need to do to finish up. So yeah, it went okay, and I hope that the next time I see everyone again it will be at my thesis defense.

After the committee meeting I turned my attentions to my big Verdi concert. There was rehearsal friday night, yesterday morning and the show was last evening. It was awesome! I think we were a little shaky at the beginning of the sanctus for whatever strange reason, probably partly to do with us being in the wrong positions thanks to the mistake of the leader of my row, but we were able to pull it together. I guess I'll hear it when I get the recording later in the summer. But the loud Dies Irae sections were really really good! We really pulled it off! For a while I was a little worried that we won't be able to carry over the orchestra, but it was all just fine at the concert! Doing these concerts really make me realise how much I really enjoy music and singing and I'd want to do this as long as I am able to. It just makes my life so much more exciting and rewarding, to be part of groups that are able to inspire through music. Now it's all a bit of a downer as I once again have to go back to my normal life. Starting tomorrow, its back to microinjections and planning the next experiments. And musically it would be a break, but even if I were to do anything it would be all back to learning new stuff again.

So yeah, it's been a crazy couple of days.


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