I spent the entire Saturday at Mount St. Mary's College recording choral music for movie trailers. It was actually a pretty fun experience, all said and done, though I was beat at the end of the day and probably could have benefitted from the time spent working instead. It was very professional, we were each handed a packet of music and had individual headsets. The headset streamed orchestral music together with a click track to help with the beats. John also conducted, which obviously was extremely helpful. We rehearsed each pieced once or twice, and started recording. Some of them were really hard, but most was quite manageable, and I realized that I was a better reader than I thought! Had some trouble with some notes, but hey, I was pretty much reading everything, and a few years ago even the simplest intervals would drive me nuts. Besides, I got to sing some super high notes, all the way up to a D! I'll never get that with regular choral music, since I sing SII, not to mention that no one in their right mind will write that many notes above the staff if they want their sopranos to be able to sing after a while. The directions to the place though, was horrible. I found it easy enough, but we got lost on the way back from lunch, and the college was definitely not 5 minutes from Brentwood. They're having another session Monday, at the famous capitol records in Hollywood. I'd love to do it, but I've got responsibilities now, and a mortgage...

Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Letters of Rec
It's Fall quarter, meaning that I am now facing a barrage of requests for letters of recommendations. It is fairly surreal, to be in a position where I am now writing letters for others. hasn't it been not so long ago when I was asking others for a letter? In that sense I can relate to the stress students must go through in asking for a letter, and wondering if it's going to be any good. All i can say on this subject is, they're definitely not any easier to write.