Monday, July 10, 2006

H&G and fleas

We had our first Hansel and Gretel staging rehearsal on saturday. During these things I am always reminded of how challenging it is to have to remember to move and sing beautifully at the same time. Often I would forget to sing, or forget to move. After a few tries I feel that I have finally gotten the hang of it, but it is definitely tough. On top of that we have to sing with emotion and relate to the audience. The kids are doing pretty well, I certainly didn't have the attention span they have when I was that age. Elan's mom approached me about how ML told her he might not be able to sing. Of course I already knew about that, and I felt really bad for his mom, but little Elan just wasn't getting the music. I emailed her copies of the text and the music, and told her that he would need to do some work with someone who reads music (his dad does) if he wants to sing. Today he sounded like he was doing better, so we'll see. I think it sucks to have to tell a parent that their kid isn't good enough to perform, I certainly don't envy ML's job. Tomorrow--another H&G music rehearsal and Traviata.

Had my first lesson with Kathleen since her return. She said I sounded a little breathy, which was odd, since she never noticed that before. I was definitely oh so out of practice. And I need to have the hat box trio memorized by next saturday. Yikes! That is a lot of very difficult music, and since I can't seem to find a recording it's going to be a little hairy. Jahna also wants to meet up to go over Beth and Jo's duet. Things are really moving quickly now.

Le toad has left for NYC. Rather odd, having the place to myself. I figured after I do some seriously cleaning I will rearrange some stuff, move my laptop and printer, keyboard, bookcase into his room. And then I might once again have a dining table. I have way too much crap. Right now I have three thinking of converting that old G3 powerbook into a web server. Might pose some interesting challenges. We'll see. Qiang thinks it is possible.

Had dinner with Lizzy after my H&G music rehearsal today (yeah operas are extremely demanding). We made wontons and had a great time. I'm really lame about catching up and getting together with other people. She's on outpatient at the moment so she has plenty of free time. Once she goes back to wards she will have to go back to 30hr shifts again. We agreed that the next time we'll go to Korean or Brazilian BBQ....hee hee

Nasty discovery today....Atticus and Momo have fleas! I had noticed him scratching quite a bit more than usual lately and my suspicions were confirmed. Eew!!! I ordered some advantage, which will probably arrive sometime in the next week, and today I went and got myself a flea comb. Removed quite a few fleas from Atticus, and some, thankfully less, from Momo. As my babies are indoor cats I wonder how they get fleas. But wawa goes out all the time, and I do have my windows open a lot, and apparently fleas can easily hitch a ride on my shoes. Gross, I hate insects.


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